Record turnover Schiavetti 2018

Schiavetti is pleased to inform you that its turnover in 2018 was the highest among the Italian companies in the perforated sheet sector. We thank you for this result, for your trust that demonstrated year after year in our products and services.

Thanks also to the employees and collaborators who, day after day, listen to customers’ requests and translate them into quality perforated sheets production, technical assistance in choosing the most suitable materials and formats for the specific work to be carried out, commercial assistance attentive to a market in continuous and rapid evolution, both in the raw materials sector and in the many and always new sectors of application of the finished product.

A result that should not be seen as a final goal, but as a milestone in a growth that involves and stimulates us in the small daily challenges that our work entails. Schiavetti Lamiere forate invests part of its turnover in R&D every year so that the constant updating of personnel and machinery contribute to customer satisfaction.

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